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What's new?

I've been preoccupied things besides coding lately which explains the lack of news
but I can at least show off a new screenshot from FreeCol-Android.

This is the latest version of the colony fragment. It shows the city map, population and production information as well as the building in the colony.

Right now it's not interactive, it just shows the status, but as when I've added all the information that is there in the PC version the next step will be to make it fully interactive.

What else is going on? Well, there are a couple of other projects that I'm working on. First I'm developing the proof of concept for CloudPref (Android SharedPreferences that are synchronized with the Cloud) and then there is a a "secret" project... more on that later.

As if that was not enough to fill all my waking hours I'm looking into reviving the UFO SQUAD project. The biggest hurdle the last time around was that the client-server state handling was growing
so complex so that it was really hard to debug problems that came up. The idea I had was if I could somehow reduce the state that the server needs to keep track off (without simplifying the game too much for the user). Before I go ahead with this idea I need to prototype it, perhaps as a table-top game.

Next couple of weeks will be crazy. Friday is my last day at Sony Mobile and then it's off to London.


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